Delhi : In the small but growing smart audio segment, Boult is making noise and where co-founder Varun Gupta makes it evident that they are committed to quality. During the recent launch of Boult’s most recent audio wearables conceived with Ford Mustang, Gupta speaks about the company’s focus on premiumisation, global expansion, and responsible tech.
Premium, But Still Accessible
Boult, unlike competitors promoting ultra-premium products, believes in “accessible premium”. Instead of a 500% mark-up in prices, Boult delivers a 30-50% improvement in quality—bringing high-end audio devices down to the common man’s reach without slashing corners. This is what Gupta describes as a “product-first” approach, making sure customers have access to top-notch features without the cost.
A Partnership Beyond Branding
Boult’s new Ford Mustang – inspired audio wearables are not only a logo but feel like an essence of the car. From signature stripes and LED lights to grill textures, every detail captures the essence of Mustang.
Made in India, Now for the World
Boult is proud that 99% of its products are made in India, which helps us control the quality and keep the cost in check. From “Make in India” to “Make for India” and now “Make from India for the World” is the mantra behind the brand. Boult, which already has a presence in UK and Nepal, is now preparing to upscale in Southeast Asia, Europe, and USA.
Safer Listening: Responsible Tech
Boult cares less about sound loudness than hearing safety, amid increasing worrying reports of hearing loss damage from extended headphone use. Magnetic on-off switches, and over-voltage protection ensure a premium yet safe listening experience.
With its aspiration to global reach and an emphasis on responsible tech along with an affordable premium approach, Boult elevates the trend that you don’t have to break the bank to get in on the action.